Chromecast Extensiong
Chromecasting a tab from within Chrome is pretty awesome when showing off a web page, a photo or even just dropping a video in there to watch on the big screen, but Google isn’t satisfied with needing an extension to Chromecast a tab from Chrome and has built it directly into Chrome.

The option is available on the most recent builds of Chrome (I`m on Version 47.0.2526.106 (64-bit)) and is enabled by the simple act of enabling a flag in the chrome://flags called ‘media-router’. Once installed, the Google Cast extension, if installed, is disabled and you then get a ‘Cast’ option in your right mouse click context menu.

Once you select ‘Cast’ from the menu, the list of available devices comes up, simply select your preferred device and you’re off and racing. You’ll get a floating window that tells you that you’re Chromcast mirroring the tab and your Chrome TAB will also show a Chromecast icon .

If you want to go back, you can always just disable the media-router Chrome flag. Try it out and see what you think.

Source: +Francois Beaufort.