Nexus 4 - Bluetooth
The Nexus 4 launched back in October last year with Bluetooth 3.0. Stock Android has never supported the low power consumption Bluetooth 4.0 specification, although Google engineers have been reported as advising that the next version of Android would support it.

Well it appears that just hours out from the keynote address for Google IO, one of the features from the next version of Android may have leaked via this visit by the Nexus 4 to the Bluetooth Special Interest Group(SIG). Techtastic caught the entry in the Bluetooth SIG database which shows updated Bluetooth certification for the LG-E960(Nexus 4), Hardware Rev1.1 which certifies it for use with Bluetooth 4.0.

With BLE support, a large range of Low Energy accessories will begin to become accessible for devices running Android, or at least the version which includes the Bluetooth Low Energy support in the Bluetooth stack. It’s key things such as this which make Android as a whole more attractive to the wider public and is a much needed addition to the worlds most wide spread mobile operating system.

We’re only a few hours away from the keynote address at Google IO 2013. I’m pretty sure we’ll find out if there is anything to be said about this at that time.

Source: Techtastic.
Via: Engadget.
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I don’t care about low power, I just want want AVCRP to work properly and show my music track titles on my car head unit.
