Motorola has been pretty good about their update schedule, they’ve lagged a little on their older devices but they’re still on track to receive an update to Google’s latest. David Schuster, a Senior Director at Motorola has actually updated users on the update process for three first generation devices on Google+ this morning and it looks like they’re going straight to Android 5.1.

The update on Google+ points out that though testing has begun on Android 5.0.2, it’s 5.1 that has all the goodies including fixes that improve the user experience.

Motorola moves fast, so you can expect to see a soak test – and obviously the leaked OTA from that soak test – coming shortly.

Source: +David Schuster.
Via: Android Police.
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It’s not fine by me. I’d just about given up waiting for 5.anything on my Moto G (LTE). So many months since 5.0 dropped and nothing yet to show for it despite Moto’s promises they would be updating the G. Let’s hope that by the time a Moto 5.1 is released the current version isn’t 5.2 or even 6.0!

Its fine by me. As long as it’s coming.