Make the most out of your Android
Google Australia released a heap of videos on their YouTube channel back in August showing how to get the most out of your Android device. The videos were short, punchy and covered a range of topics such as how to use the ‘Ok Google’ hotword on your device, Google Photos and more. It seems they’ve shown up on a more comprehensive site on with these tips in a more easily read format.

The tips cover 20 topics, and use the cute animated Androidify Android animations we’ve come to know and love over the last year or more. The topics include all the videos shown off in August and throw a few more into the mix. The tips consist of the video and then there’s a slideshow of how to use the feature. One rider in that the videos don’t actually seem to have sound.

The tips are fun, easily laid out and there’s share to social media buttons to allow you to quickly share a tip with someone who might be asking how to do a particular function on Android.

The site isn’t exactly new, it seems to have popped up in September, but it’s interesting. And just before you head over and check them out, what’s with this guy in the header image on the front page?
