Google continues to show a focus on maintaining and developing the capacity of the Google Messages app. In an APK teardown, XDA developers found some interesting code snippets suggesting another new feature is coming soon.

The feature we’re referring to is “nudges” similar to that which Gmail already offers. This reminds you to follow up a message you sent, or to reply to a message you’ve received.

The code in question, shows a number of potential pathways:
<string name="nudge_continuation_enabled_pref_key">nudge_continuation_enabled</string>
<string name="nudge_continuation_enabled_pref_summary">Messages you might need to follow up on will appear at the top of your inbox</string>
<string name="nudge_continuation_enabled_pref_title">Suggest messages to follow up on</string>
<string name="nudge_learn_more_info_text">%1$s about nudges</string>
<string name="nudge_learn_more_pref_key">nudge_learn_more</string>
<string name="nudge_reply_enabled_pref_key">nudge_reply_enabled</string>
<string name="nudge_reply_enabled_pref_summary">Messages you might have forgotten to respond to will appear at the top of your inbox</string>
<string name="nudge_reply_enabled_pref_title">Suggest messages to reply to</string>
<string name="nudge_settings_page_title">Nudges</string>
<string name="nudge_settings_parent_pref">nudge_settings_parent</string>

So the simple upshot seems to be that nudges can be enabled or disabled. They can also be customised a little bit, which will be very helpful if you’re a dual wielding phone user.

This is just another feature that is adding to the rapidly growing list of capabilities for the app. If end-to-end encryption was available, what features are missing for you to use Google Messages as your go to app?

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A feature I’d love to have in Google Messages beyong end-to-end encryption?
Being able to sync Messages across devices, when you have multiple Android devices, even if they’re not all on the same telco.