So if you happened to pass by Circular Quay in Sydney today, you just may have caught a glimpse of Andy just hangin’ out with some of the wonderful Vodafone Ladies. He’s down there promoting this small little OS called ‘Android’ you may, or may not, have heard of it. Vodafone are really getting into the spirit of Android which is good to see, and this all happened on the same day that Vodafone officially announced the Desire HD at a press event breakfast (which Chris & I couldn’t make it to :().

Also throughout the streets of Sydney tonight, Andy will be shopping about and you can catch up with him if you follow Vodafone on Twitter and keep up with his location. I believe he’s headed to JB HiFi at the Junction from 5-7PM tonight.

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I think Andy’s been eating the fertilizer, he’s grown enormous, bad Andy!

thats awesome, good work voda!