Imagine: You’ve gone out with friends, maybe had a few too many and when you wake up…
OH GOD, your brand new HTC One XL…
Where is it?

In times gone by, that phone would be lost to the ages or the unscrupulous person at the bar who picked your pocket. But in the current day, with GPS in every new phone and remote connection availability there’s no reason to lose your phone forever. While there is literally dozens of apps of this sort, I’ve found the most effective with regards to a full solution is Cerberus for Android.

– Remote control from the web dashboard and via SMS commands from another phone
– Automatic alerts on SIM card change / wrong unlock code entered
– Extra features for root users (GPS auto-enabling, complete uninstall protection)
– Photo/audio/video/screenshot capture
– Battery State tracking
– SMS and Call History
– Remote Wipe of Phone and SD Card

Are just a few of the options that are available in Cerberus, one I’ve enjoyed when I know who’s got their hands on my phone is the “send message” function which can also audibly read out the message on screen. Certainly can be an amusing party trick to surprise your friends if nothing else.

While I have had feedback from a few people that getting the app set up on your Android can be a little confusing, it’s worth the time investment to protect it from theft or loss. On to the even better news: if you like it, stay tuned because across the next 3 weeks we’re giving away 10 licences at Ausdroid. Winners will need to email your Cerberus username to once notified of your success.

Source: Play Store.
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    Wavesecure… been around for like 3 years now…

    I have tried this and this is a must have application! please explain what should we do to win and get the license .

    +1 for Cerberus. While some OEM’s have some of these features this builtin, I’ve found HTCs one in the past to be very hit and miss. Its often offline and can’t connect to the device. But with Cerberus, any time I go to connect it always connects (unless its flat, or has NO internet connection). You can have multi devices in the portal under one login name, and its not locked to a hardware OEM. So if you have a HTC phone and a Samsung tablet, you don’t need two different ‘remote tracking/wiping’ products and logins. Plus its the price… Read more »

    Why pay for an app thats built into both GS2 and GS3 with Samsung Dive…………although it is a really good app.

    Have you tried to ‘test recover’ your phone using the Samsung product? I found the HTC find my phone to be so hit and miss it was useless!

    I’ve had Cerberus for a few months now on all my android devices. Probably one of the best purchases I’ve ever made.

    Galaxy S3 already has phone tracking built into it.
    Settings -> Security -> SamsungDive
    Seems a bit flaky but it’ll do 🙂

    I’ve got this too it’s FOOOOLEEEEEEEEEEEEE SHICK BRO!

    Had this on my SGS2 and now my SGS3. Highly recommended!

    My favourite feature is to send the command to take a photo with the front facing camera next time the screen is touched, (it then emails you the photo). Which, if you’re quick enough, may get you a photo of your pickpocket. 🙂

    Security is one of the things that uppermost in my mind with my Samsung Galaxy Note. I’ve had too many people look at it from afar and been concerned that I/it could be a target of a bag snatcher, phone grabber. This certainly sounds like a great idea.

    Definitely worth the time to set up, and also to bookmark the website to make it easier to access. I’ve had it installed since my early android days of i9000, it’s been on my 10.1 and my galaxy nexus. Fortunately i’ve never had to use it for real… but from time to time I test it to make sure its still working. Flawless (except in the UI department)

    I installed this day before yesterday. Quite good so far.Was thinking about purchasing in app…how do we know if we win/enter…

    email me your username – You’re the random winner from this post!