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Some good news for those of you expecting shiny new Nexus 4 phones in the next few days. Ausdroid reader @fez_spencer today alerted us to the fact that the LG-built Nexus device is eligible for 50 GB of free space from cloud storage provider Box.

We’ve also had independent corroboration from Gadgets4Geeks (who seem to have received their Nexus 4 before anyone else in Australia, hmmm), who sent us this picture:

Box announced the promotion on their blog in 2011:

Want to claim your Box 50GB? Just log into Box for Android on your device before December 31, 2012. If you don’t have a Box account yet, be sure to download the app on your LG Android phone or tablet. You’ll have 50GB of free, secure file storage and sharing for the life of your account.

It’s worth noting that the Box blog states the offer is for “LG phones and tablets in the U.S. running Android OS 2.1 and above”, but it seems to work for Australians too, as shown above.

While the 50 GB space is a great boost over Box’s standard free level of 5 GB, it will also go a long way on the Nexus 4, which is only available with 8 or 16 GB internal storage space.

Box also allows you to give 50 GB to your coworkers – as long as you’re not using an @gmail.com email address. This appears to be an additional promotion that’s emailed to you after you sign up.

Box appears to be serious about gaining ground in a space already dominated by Dropbox, Google Drive and other cloud storage providers. This week they announced Box for Android 2.0, while back in September they announced Box Accelerator, designed to speed up file uploads with a specific focus on international performance – even locating an upload server here in Australia.

As a frequent user of Dropbox’s free 2 GB tier, I’m now reconsidering my cloud storage options. Installing the Box app will be the first thing I do once my Nexus 4 is (hopefully!) delivered tomorrow.

Can 50 GB free cloud storage space change the way you feel the Nexus 4’s storage capacity? Want to share your thoughts about Box’s services? Let us know in the comments!

[appaware-app pname=’com.box.android’ name=’Box’ qrcode=’true’]

Source: Box.
Thanks: Gadgets 4 Geeks@fez_spencer.
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Before discovering the Nexus One, Jason thought he didn't need a smartphone. Now he can't bear to be without his Android phone. Jason hails from Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane depending on his mood and how detailed a history you'd like. A web developer by day with an interest in consumer gadgets and electronics, he also enjoys reading comics and has a worryingly large collection of Transformers figures. He'd like to think he's a gamer, but his Wii has been in a box since he moved to Sydney, and his PlayStation Vita collection is quite lacking. Most mornings you'll find him tilting at various windmills on Twitter - follow @JM77 and say hi!
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Worked for me in Canada on my Nexus 4 😀

this would be good if i manage to actually get a nexus 4 before dec 31st….fml

this didn’t work for me 🙁

I got a free 50GB’s a year ago but have no use for it until they get their boxsync app fixed.It forces the use of a root folder “My Box Files”.

I already have 50gb and love it, I can’t remember where I got it from anyways I wonder if they sold add another 50 on top of that!

That would be a crazy amount of storage but the issue would be video files etc and how fast transfer speeds would be.

How fast are uploads now? Box Accelerator should have kicked in a couple of months ago.

It’s more the speeds of the networks over here that at the possible issues will arise. To access larger files they will have to download to the nexus device.

I have 50gb (for life) also and it had to do with some promotion with Apple/iPhone/iCloud a year ago or so. I use it for off-site backups for Titanium Pro.

I’ve been using Box since I got 50gb free with my HP Touchpad. Always been happy with it. 🙂

Great article! Happy to give you guys the tipoff 😉 Once my nexus4 arrives here in Perth, I’ll get cracking on utilising Box for sure.