Samsung has decided that it wants to join the Google, Apple and Microsoft developer conference party, by hosting their first ever developer conference in San Francisco at the West St. Francis Hotel in Union Square, the conference will run from October 27th to 29th.

The conference is being billed as a developer conference unlike any other, as it won’t just focus on Mobile development. All of Samsungs divisions, platforms and devices will receive attention. Due to the wide range of topics being covered at the conference, spaces are sure to be filled extremely quickly as it won’t just cover mobile devices.

For Samsung, this has to be a huge thing for the company in terms of differentiating itself from other Android developers within the mobile development sphere. Google itself already offers the opportunity for devs on its mobile OS to come together and see workshops and sessions at their annual Google IO session. But, not all developers don’t want to be restricted to one device or platform and here is where Samsung has a chance to shine.

For developer this has to be a win-win situation as a Samsung-specific event will help devs who want to target specifically the smartphones with the largest share of the global market, and help them build apps that leverage the unique capabilities of Samsung’s own modified Android platform.

Registration for the event will open up later on this winter (summer over there of course), however if you´re impatient and want to be kept up to date when registration will official open, you can head over to the Samsung Developers conference website to sign up for updates.

So are you a developer who is interested in such an event? Is Samsung doing the right thing holding its own developer conference?

Source: Samsung.
Via: Tech Crunch.
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Oooh, so I can finally program my Samsung fridge and Samsung washing machine?!