
Facebook has unveiled a new-look Messenger application for Android which will slowly roll out to users from today. The fresh design is a welcome change from the old cluttered app which most users will be stuck with for the time being.

Apart from the cosmetic changes, Facebook has made it easier to see who else is uing the app — users will be denoted by the blue messaging icon next to their photo — as well as improving text messaging support, which of course can be disabled if you prefer to use the stock text messaging app. The well timed update coincides with Google+’s own Hangouts update today which will also allow for text messaging.

If you were to replace your text messaging app with Facebook Messenger or Google+ Hangouts, which would it be?

Source: Facebook.
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    Any ideas on when the main facebook app might get the new look?

    Wait, how long has FBM had SMS integration?

    BUT I much prefer my Google services. BUT more people use FB Messenger so I’m really not sure now. 😛

    Hangouts FTW. I don’t trust Facebook.

    I will go for Hangouts for sure. It takes so long time to fully load facebook messenger which is so bad.

    I am wondering the market share between hangouts and fb messenger in Australia?