It’s the conference that Google developers and fans alike want to attend and this year it will be held on June 25-26 at the usual place – the Moscone West conference centre in San Francisco.

There’s a slight change to the ticketing system this year. Instead of the wild free-for-all of previous years, which has seen the event sell out in just minutes, hopeful attendees will need to submit an application advising their interest in attending the event and successful applicants will be randomly selected from the list and notified.

For those that aren’t selected, Google IO has always been infinitely accessible remotely for developers who couldn’t attend in person. Events are streamed live or made available on YouTube almost immediately after the events. Also, Google holds I/O Extended community events at locations around the world, and hopefully this year Sydney will also be holding an I/O Extended event, but we’ll have to wait for that announcement.

There’s no further information on whether the successful applicants will need to pay for a ticket, which can run upwards of $900, once they win the ballot, but it will save attendees from having to scramble for a ticket. Further details will be made available on the Google Developers Google+ page soon, so if you’re interested in attending stay tuned.

Source: Sundar Pichai.
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    Bring out the Nexus 10 successor already !!!

    Hmm, that’s late.

    Usually it’s led into the launch of the new Nexus tablet, but rumours are suggesting a late April launch date for the Nexus 8 – or indeed the death of the Nexus line entirely. So maybe what we’ll be seeing at that date is the eventual launch of the Google Glass, or maybe a Nexus 11/chromebook?

    With apple supposed to not really be doing anything on the tablet front this year (a speed bump on the ipad air at best) – it does make you wonder if something is up…