Virgin Mobile Logo
Hold onto your hat folks, the next two days will be rough. Tomorrow marks the beginning of April Fools day, which is traditionally a pretty busy time for a number of companies who like to join the madness by announcing some weird products – but never forget GMail was announced on April 1st. Virgin Mobile Australia has kicked off early announcing that their latest product will be available from tomorrow Virgin Rice®.

Rice has definitely almost attained the status of a mobile phone accessory. Rice’s ability to act as a dessicant to soak up moisture in a phone/tablet/electronic device that has had an unfortunate interaction with a moisture imbued circumstance is almost legendary. Virgin has had a bit of a field day with the specs as well offering this :

Never fear those accidental slips or unplanned pool pushes again – introducing Virgin Rice® the latest in ‘do it yourself’ phone repairs. With Virgin Rice’s® patented absorbing technology the most widely consumed staple food just got better. Hand picked by local farmers, this noble cereal grain will impeccably draw out moisture from those tragic H20 accidents. Flaunting an average length of 0.3″, a powerful 0.023mg phosphorous core, the resulting restoration of your smart phone functionality is nothing short of impressive.

Virgin Rice is now available in both white and brown varieties.

Google is of course ranked amongst the kings of April Fools day pranksters. Last years April Fools day Google pranks included so we can’t wait to see what they come up with this year.

Source: Virgin Mobile Facebook.
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    I went scouring the Virgin website to find this. I felt so stupid.

    I see in Chrome’s menu on my Nexus 7 an option to “translate to Emoji”… Haha.