Nexus 9
The HTC built Nexus 9 is apparently going to be released quite soon, although exactly when is up for discussion. There’s obviously a lot of official secrecy surrounding the tablet, but this hasn’t stopped HTC Asia President Jack Tong from discussing the tablet with press in New York.

Mr Tong, has apparently advised assembled press that the Nexus 9 is ‘HTC’s commitment’ to return to the tablet market, which they effectively exited around three years ago. According to Focus Taiwan, he further went on to say that HTC would be releasing the 8.9″ Nexus tablet in Taiwan sometime by the end of the year, with an announcement due on the 16th of October.

We’ve apparently seen the Nexus 9 hit the FCC recently, indicating an imminent launch. We’ve been hearing the October 16th launch date for a little while now, so we’ll have to wait and see next Thursday(most likely Friday our time) what happens. It will also be interesting to see what HTC can do in the tablet market.

Source: Focus Taiwan.
Via: G For Games.
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The wait is killing me. What worries me, though, is an end-of-year release does not necessarily mean an end-of-year release in Australia.

sold……just because its 4:3, perfect for browsing, may be not for movies which is my least priority.
Also expecting front facing speakers and 2k screen :p

I was really excited for the new Nexus tab although I’m having second thoughts about the 4:3 screen ratio. Think I might just keep my N7 (2013) and wait for a half price refurb’d N9 in a few months.