Verily logo

Following the creation of Alphabet earlier this year Google Alphabet, seem to be beginning the process of re-branding some of their less search related entities. In such a move Alphabet today announced that Google Life Sciences will now be known as Verily.

For those of us who might be less antiquated with 13th Century Middle English Verily translates to ‘truly’ or ‘certainly’, in an interview with STAT, CEO Andy Conrad said that the name is aspirational. “Only through the truth are we going to defeat Mother Nature,” STAT reported.

To accompany the new name Verily has also released a new logo, as seen above, a new website, and an introductory YouTube video. Have a look at what Verily are tying to accomplish.

With such bold aspirations to begin to ‘defeat Mother Nature’ Alphabet, through Verily, has a grand challenge ahead of them, this new company has split their strategies to achieve this into four domains of hardware, software, clinical and science. With Google previous announcing health related endeavors in glucose monitoring contact lenses, self leveling spoons for Parkinson’s Disease sufferers, health monitoring wrist bands and several other technologies Verily has been given a running start towards their goals.

Head on over to their website and take a look for yourself.

What do you think of Alphabets work in the biomedical arena?

Source: Verily.
Via: STAT.
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“For those of us who might be less antiquated with 13th Century Middle English”

‘Antiquated’ could almost work in this context but I think ‘acquainted’ was the word you were after.