Drive outlook

Following launch of their Google Drive plugin for Microsoft Office last year Google has today announced support for sharing Drive files from within Outlook for Office on Windows. For those Android/ Google users who work with both Google and Microsoft products, this should be a well-received feature.

The Update to the previous plugin now enables ‘Inserting files in an email using Drive’ which looks a little something like this:

The update also includes the ability to ‘Update sharing permission from within Outlook before sending’:

And finally, ‘Save an incoming attachment to Drive from within Outlook’:

The Google Drive for Office plugin only supports Outlook 2007, 2010 and 2013 versions or Office 365 if you’ve installed it as part of that subscription – so if you have an earlier version of Office, perhaps it’s time to look at an update.

While simple, this update should allow seamless integration of your Google Drive account with your Outlook for Windows application. This current period of Microsoft and Google striving for full interoperability of their service platforms rather than fighting to keep you on their operating system platform is certainly benefiting consumers. Lets hope that this trend extends and continues across the tech service sector, how about inter-operable messaging platforms? Anyone?

Do you use both Outlook and Google Drive? Will this plugin be useful to you? Let us know below.

Source: Google Apps blog.