Android Pay Australia

Family First (Credit Union) is the latest Australian financial institution to advise that they will be bringing Android Pay to their customers, soon. Family First originally showed up on Android Pay’s list of Australia Banks as “Coming Soon” about a month ago, some time since then the Group has added Android Pay as coming soon to their list of ways to access their services.

While Family First no longer shows up on the official Android site, as this has been reverted to only active banks at this stage, it is good to see more and more providers working with Google to extend the option of Android Pay to their Customers. In contrast, it is interesting to see how few of these organisations, especially smaller ones like Family First, are bringing Apple Pay on board.

Perhaps Apple’ strong-handed and somewhat monopolistic reputation has caught up with them? With Apple demanding a share of the Credit Card revenue from Banks as well as denying any other entities access to the NFC chip on their devices, it’s unsurprising that the Australian Banking sector has closed ranks in an attempt to repel Apple Pay from our shores.

Are you using Android Pay? Let us know how you like it.

Source: Family First.
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Wonder why they changed the site showing only active Banks? To stop the inactive Banks getting harassed maybe? I notice Westpac and St George are still mentioned on the front page though.

Totally useless, I have never heard any of those Banks.