Prior to now you have been able to ask your Assistant on your Google Home device to tell you a story but its functionality has not extended to the Assistant on smartphones until now.

In the US it is National Tell a Story Day this weekend (April 27th) and to coincide with this Google has released the ability for Google Assistant to tell a story on Android and iOS smartphones. To use the functionality you must have the latest version of Google Books installed on your phone.

After using certain commands Google Books is launched and a voice actor (and audio effects in some cases) will read the book you ask for. Books available include from some Disney classics along with some others. Some examples include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle stories, Blaze and the Monster Machines, The Three Little Pigs, and Alice in Wonderland.

To get started you just need to say to your Assistant: “OK Google, tell me a story”, “Hey Google, tell me a bedtime story”, “Hey Google, read Charlotte’s Web” and combinations of the above for whichever book you want to read – if you don’t already own the audiobook it will play you a sample. The audiobooks where you can read along with Assistant with sound effects included are available on the Assistant in English in the US, Australia, Canada and Great Britain but the ability to ask Google to tell you a story is also arriving in India.

The reading of the books by the Assistant can be controlled by voice asking the Assistant to pause, resume, skip forward or backward in your book.

If you are interested in this Tell Me a Story feature make sure you have the latest Google Books app installed, trigger your Assistant and ask it to read you a story.

Source: Google.
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