I spend a lot of my time not actually at my desk; my job sees me travelling quite a bit, usually just for the day, but sometimes longer. Carting around my favoured mouse and keyboard is a bit of a pain, and I have a habit of losing my favourite Bluetooth mouse when I take it to site. So, having a secondary one that can live in my bag is a Very Good Idea ™.

Microsoft sent me their new Ocean Plastic Mouse, and it’s already won a small place in my heart. No, it’s not the most technically advanced mouse. It doesn’t have any remarkable ergonomic credentials. It doesn’t have a USB-C charger built in .. or really anything much.

However, what it does have is a very strong environmental credential. You see, 20% of the plastics inside the Ocean Plastic Mouse are recycled from ocean plastic – that is, plastic that is recovered from oceans and waterways around the world, cleaned and processed into recyclable plastic resin pellets.

These pellets are blended with other plastics during the materials development process, which becomes the shell of the Ocean Plastic Mouse.

On top of this, the packaging is 100% recyclable wood and sugarcane fiber, with no plastics.

So, it’s made out of recycled plastics, but is it any good? The short answer is yeah, it’s a great little Bluetooth mouse. With a claimed 12-month battery life from a single AA battery, it’s decent there, and it connects to a compatible laptop via Bluetooth 5.0 LE, meaning it uses as little power as possible.

While the Ocean Plastic Mouse isn’t setting the world on fire with features, it’s also very affordable at just $34.95 making it an easy, no-brainer option.

You can buy one here at Microsoft.com, or in many places where Microsoft’s Surface range is available.