Blizzard has game franchises that have attracted a huge following over time and generations of the games; Call of Duty, Overwatch and Diablo. All huge successes and provide continuous fun and new adventures with each play-through. Excitingly for gamers, each has an update coming in the near future.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II – Coming October 28th

Continuing the franchise history, Modern Warfare II will offer both campaign and Multiplayer options. The game mechanics look true to form and offer new challenges in the special ops feature.

Task Force 141 faces its greatest threat yet – a newly aligned menace with deep, unknown connections. Set to be an incredible experience on numerous levels, the game will offer offshore sieges with underwater combat; all-out explosive assaults from 30,000 feet; and high-stakes and low-profile stealth missions. Modern Warfare II will see the return of iconic squad members Captain John Price, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, Simon “Ghost” Riley, John “Soap” MacTavish and new team member, Colonel Alejandro Vargas.

If you’re a seasoned veteran, Call of Duty tragic or just a weekend warrior, you can pre-order Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II now via, Steam, Playstation or Xbox.

Overwatch 2 – Coming October 5th

Players of the original Overwatch will recognise the fun and frenetic pace of the game, with each player class having its own strengths and weaknesses. This looks set to continue with the 5 v 5 multiplayer format, new locations and maps — including a push-the-cart gameplay type — as well as a new class: Junker Queen.

Registration for Beta access is already open, so if the faster pace is your preferred game style then head over to the Overwatch site to register.

Diablo IV – Coming 2023

Perhaps the one I’m most excited about, Diablo IV has been a long time in the making, with the end almost in sight. It’s coming to Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 4 and 5 alongside Windows PC, and Xbox One with cross-play and cross-progression enabled for all platforms.

The latest quarterly update brings with it information primarily about the Necromancer class. Everything from weapons and skills through to a few hints on how to get the best results from the class.

Before it launches, we’ll see and hear plenty more of Diablo IV which will almost certainly draw a lot of attention from the franchise faithful.

If you’re a Weekend Warrior, which of the three pending releases excites you the most?