Google Australia announced turn-by-turn directions for cyclists back in July but that was for desktops which makes it a bit difficult to use them on your Android Phone. Well this morning they have announced turn-by-turn cycling directions are now active for Google Maps on your Android phone, the directions also include voice directions as well to help you navigate your way around with the navigation even helping you avoid to steep hills by choosing a path that is flat and safe.

Google has also suggested for you seasoned cyclists to add your favourite bike lanes, trails and suggested routes to Google Maps via the Map Maker tool.

Source: Google Australia Blog.
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    That’s great but they removed the latitude widget!!!… why on earth did they do that! Not even a mention of it being removed!

    Cool! Thanks for the heads up – will try it out.

    It’s nice to see that the route it picks from work to home is pretty close to the trip I take.
    Though I take a few side-streets instead of it’s more bike-pathy journey.

    Cool, works well enough and picks up the short cuts i use… even recommended an alternative route.
    Will be useful for when out and about