
The latest update to the official Android documentation leads us to think that we could soon be seeing an OTA update to Android 4.2.2 for the Nexus 4.

Aside from a typo in the build number which reads ‘JDP39’ should read ‘JDQ39’, the interesting part is that the build number is followed by android-4.2.2_r1 for the Nexus 4.

If you’re a lucky Nexus 4 owner keep your eyes peeled for an update, or if you’re especially keen starting mashing that “Check for System Update” button!

Thanks: Peter.
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I really really really hope this update adds USB OTG!

As far as I know the N4’s lack of USB OTG support is a hardware limitation. I think the USB port can’t supply the 5V needed for host mode.

lol. Woke up to the update on my N4 this morning 🙂

Yeh I heard this too but I’m hoping its not true…

How keen are we if we regularly clear Google Services Framework and then check for updates ??? 😉

4 keen!

You’d think all the nexus devices would be updated at the same time.

You’d think a lot of things when it comes to Android updates, but alas…

That’s why I’m most likely going to switch to BB10 or WP8

Whoa, easy there tiger!

WP8 I can understand, but BB are you crazy man!

Nothing wrong with BB man, I give everything a chance, no need to be close minded.