Facebook for Android

So your relationship is over and you make that painful decision to announce it to the world by changing your relationship status on Facebook. But in the vague hope you may get back together, you don’t want to un-friend her or him… Well that could get awkward pretty quickly couldn’t it? Never fear, Facebook are here to help! Announced on the Facebook Newsroom is an upcoming function change (currently being tested in the USA) which allows you to alter what your ex can see as well as hiding previous relationship photos and traces from others.

You can “untag” yourself from any posts, photos or check-ins with the ex, prevent them from seeing any posts that aren’t public or shared on a mutual friends page. Or the other option is you could just be an adult about it, un-friend the or accept the fact that one or both of you can and likely will move on soon; but I’ve been out of the dating game for a long time so what do I know.

Do you think this will be a heavily used feature, or are Facebook catering to the lowest level of their users?

Source: Facebook.
Via: 9 to 5 Google.
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I am now consider to delete Facebook on my phone. This app always got update but with same description and not real update.


Is this really Android news? It’s not specific to the app. Slow news day? Hehe

Daniel Tyson

See the screenshots? It’s a feature on the app. Yep, it’s Android news.


Only in the app, or in the web interface too?


Is Google just Android news?