htc hero 2016
HTC’s marketing campaign for their next phone launch, which is strongly rumoured to be the HTC 10, is continuing, with todays teaser talking up the camera prowess.

The #PowerOf10 campaign is promising big things for the camera setup on both the front and rear of the phone, something that many people felt were lacking in last years headliner the HTC One M9.

The tweet with the tease promises World Class, as well as a World First and since we’ve seen dual-camera setups and larger pixel size on sensors (both features notably from HTC themselves), it leaves us wondering what they have up their sleeve.

The HTC 10 is rumoured for an April 19th announcement at this stage, with an early May release in the US. We’ll be watching HTC, we’re hoping you really have ramped this up to the power of 10.

Source: @htc.
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    Happy for HTC to do well but talk is cheap. Samsung and Apple (& LG too I suspect) must be pouring millions into their camera development. It’s amazing how something so small, portable and fast can be so good.

    Huge Jackman

    Does that mean low light pictures will be even more purple this time around?


    So true, maybe it could be another Ultrapixels BS.

    Shakeel Ali

    The Ultrapixels were pretty good on the front facer of the M9. Although the rear camera was severely lacking for a nearly $1000 flagship.