Update: There’s still a few stickers left, but not too many. Grab your order now before they’re all gone.

Ever since we gave our logo a more modern refresh with a little tip of the hat to material design we’ve been wanting to adorn our laptops, phones, cars and loved ones with our new Ausdroid Logo, Mandy, the material Andy. While we haven’t quite yet adorned ourselves with the logo (unless you count Dan’s tattoo of the original Ausdroid logo), we have looked at how we can adorn some other things.

To that end, we’ve had a local printer use out design to create the first Mandy stickers, and we think they’re great. I’ve already got one on my car, my wife’s car (my daughter insisted one go on her battery-powered car), my laptop and I’ve got plans for few other key places.

Now we’re offering you the chance to get your own Ausdroid stickers. We’ve currently got 250 of the Stickers and unless demand is super high we don’t have any plans to print any more, so these could be a limited run! The stickers are about 6.2 cm wide x 5.1 cm high, and are printed on high-quality vinyl with high-quality inks rated for outside use. In other words, they’ll go great on your car, your laptop, your sister, or anywhere else you care to place one.

We’re selling the stickers for:

  • 1 for $2.00
  • 5 for $9.00 and
  • 10 for $15

If you’re interested in showing off your Ausdroid pride or want to support the site by having one on your car we would be honoured to sit next to your “My other car is a Nexus” sticker 🙂 To order a sticker you just need a PayPal account and follow the link below. If you’re a Patreon subscriber and you are interested in getting the stickers reach out to us, we’ll make sure your support is recognised. Please note that, regardless of quantity, there’s a $1 charge for postage, to cover the stamp, envelope and Duncan’s slave labour.

Ordering your Ausdroid stickers is simple. Choose a quantity, and Buy Now.

If you order some stickers we hope you like them! Let us know where you use them in the comments below and share your funny photos if you must!

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Dan Goodes

So did you whack one on your sister, Duncan? 🙂


I actually don’t have a sister!

Dan Goodes

*gasp* We’ve been had! 😉


I only said they would go well on your sisters, not mine!!!