It appears that Google has some new features up their sleeve for the release of Android 8.0 with XDA-Developers spotting new setting allowing users to turn on Bluetooth In-Band Ringtones in Developer Preview 4.

To start with, Bluetooth In-Band Ringtones is the ability to have your Bluetooth devices use the ringtone you use on your phone or tablet – sounds simple right? It’s so simple that it’s been part of the Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile and it’s been included on other devices <cough>iOS</cough> for years, but it’s taken Google until now to implement it.

The setting is shown in the latest Dev Preview 4, but it’s not in the Bluetooth menu, according to XDA-Developers the setting is hidden in the Developer options under the ‘Networking’ subsection.

This will be an exciting feature for some users, and shows Google’s commitment to improve not only Bluetooth functionality but also the feature set in the new version of Android. With Android 8.0 we get full support for Bluetooth 5.0, so let’s hope all those bugs we’ve been having with Bluetooth finally go away with this release.

Source: XDA-Developers.
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    Dennis Bareis

    Truly amazing that it has taken this long for such a useful fundamental feature.