Fanny Wang Headphones

Update: Want to win your own pair? Check out our competition here.

A couple of weeks ago, we were approached by a PR firm for Fanny Wang Headphone Co., of California fame. When I first saw the name, I was intrigued. I’d not heard of Fanny Wang Headphone Co. before, and the name sounded a bit odd, so I thought I’d best check this out.

It seems Fanny Wang Headphone Co (let’s drop the full name, they’re just Fanny Wang now) is not named for a delightful Chinese lady named Fanny Wang. Rather, the company is the brainchild of two Silicon Valley design types, David Adam and Tim Hickman. Seems they make headphones that are designed for the fastionistas amongst us all, because to look at, the headphones certainly catch the eye as you can see above.

Ausdroid tried out the 3000 model, curiously called ‘Over Ear Wangs’. Said to be designed for “urban hip hop while offering enough range to satisfy the diverse tastes of the modern music fan”, I put these headphones through their paces with my unusual collection of music, and came away fairly satisfied sound-wise, but wanting a bit more in terms of design and comfort.

During the week I spent reviewing these cans, I was using them with my Motorola RAZR M, but I also tried them out on my desktop PC, and my son’s portable DVD player, too.


  • 50mm dual layered titanium drivers
  • 32 ohm impedance
  • 105 dB sensitivity
  • 5 to 28,000 Hz frequency response
  • Built-in amp with selectable bass-boost
  • 95% active noise cancelling
  • 4 way noise cancelling dual feedback and feed forward

In the box

  • Over-ear headphone set
  • 3.5mm headphone cord with double-jack (allowing someone else to listen to your tunes too)
  • In-flight audio adapter
  • 6mm adapter
  • Hard-shell case (shown below)

Audio performance

I’ve used a variety of headphones, but I am far from an audiophile. I enjoy my music, and I like it to sound clean, clear and crisp. I don’t want to hear distortion, weak bass, floppy trebles or devices rattling in my dinner.

The Over Ear Wangs did not disappoint in these areas — they offered quite reasonable audio reproduction compared against my other headphones, had chunky bass performance and nice clear high notes, however the sound did seem to be a little flat in some areas. Perhaps I was expecting Sennheiser type performance, which these do not match, but for headphones that are less than half the price of a decent pair of Sennheiser cans, these were pretty good.

There’s no argument that these headphones make a bit of a statement.

The Active Noise Cancellation worked about as well as any other ANC I’ve used. I tested these on a Qantas 767, and on a couple of Sydney trains, and to be fair, the ANC worked as it should — background droning noises were all but wiped out, at the expense of a bit of hissing that was audible in the background of whatever was playing. This is a relatively common side effect of noise cancellation, and it’s easily ignored for the benefit it brings.

Even with the ANC turned off, the headphones offered good noise isolation, meaning noisy conversations and other background noise that ANC won’t (can’t) filter was muffled significantly.

Comfort and style

FannyWang2There’s no argument that these headphones make a bit of a statement. They’re big, bold and loud (colour-wise), and they’re designed to be seen and noticed. The review pair — as you can see — are black with red highlights, and they’re by no means subtle. They’re large on the head as well, though they are — size-wise at least — quite comfortable and not particularly noticeable in terms of weight.

However, and this might be just because I have a big scone, after wearing for 45 minutes or so, the headband became noticeably uncomfortable to wear. Not only was it pressing down on the crown of my head, but the horizontal pressure (ear to ear) was a little more than I would call pleasant, leading in one instance to a bit of a headache after using the headphones for half an hour.

For those with smaller heads, this is unlikely to be an issue — so if you have a big noggin’, you might want to think carefully about buying headphones like these.


These are headphones not for the faint of heart. They’re big and loud, and they deliver bass in ample amount to rattle your fillings loose. They fulfil their promise of a great range, being equally at home playing some bass-filled dub-step (Xilent – Choose Me II) and some tunes from yesteryear (Louis Armstrong – What a Wonderful World).

The Noise Cancellation feature was a welcome addition, but if you’re a regular traveller, you’d probably prefer something with a slightly higher-end noise cancellation quality, e.g. something from Bose.

Over Ear Wangs are not something I’d be wearing to the gym, nor for any real active past-times; they’re just too big. However, for listening around the house, commuting or for occasional air travel, they’re not a bad set. For the price (below), you’d want to be getting a fair bit of use from these, otherwise you might be better off with a cheaper, less bulky alternative. I certainly noticed the extra bulk carrying these around for the last week in my daypack, so if you’re not accustomed to carrying a bag, you won’t be carrying these around either.

Recommended retail is $399, and you can find these – and other models – at your capital city Myer store, or at Myer’s Online Shop.

Thanks: Fanny Wang Headphone Co..
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    “at the expense of a bit of hissing that was audible in the background of whatever was playing”

    This is not acceptable for a pair of high-end NC headphones. Other pairs don’t have…plus you can get cool features like Bluetooth and NFC for less.

    Chris (Deputy Editor)

    I don’t think I’d call any headphones that have Bluetooth or NFC ‘high-end’. Audio over Bluetooth sounds TERRIBLE. However, I’ve heard varying levels of background noise in noise cancelling headphones generated by the NC hardware. Some are certainly better than others.


    For $399 or even a lot less, you can get some better audiophile level headphones that works well even without using an amp.


    Way overpriced for $399…I can get a Sennheiser PXC-450 for not much more if I hunt around, and that pair of cans will eat this one alive for audio and NC.

    Chris (Deputy Editor)

    So it’s clear, we reviewed these because Android devices — like other smart devices — are far more than telecommunication devices. For many, they’re also entertainment devices, be it in the form of viewing movies on the go, listening to music at the gym or on the train etc. We wouldn’t be reviewing can openers, because they have little to do with Android, but earphones to let you enjoy the multimedia capabilities of your Android phone/tablet? Seems like a logical fit to us.


    I’ve got no problem with accessory reviews? In fact it breaks it up from the usual phone stuff.


    Does it matter Vilay? Even as a useful accessory its reasonably relevant in my opinion. While the majority of cans are geared towards iOS, could the review be based on the fact they were tested on an Android device? While it wasn’t stated it would be good to know I guess. I picked up a pair of Logitech UE4000’s for Christmas to replace my Jays v-Jays – they look fantastic for the price. Fanny’s are a bigtime Beats ripoff, although they have a good name they are still very pricey. The FW 2000’s might suit smartphone use a bit better… Read more »

    Sean Royce

    Who cares if they rip off beats, we all know they are the brand name head phones. They’re the iPhone of the headphone industry, they’re good, but we know there are better ones out there.

    vijay alapati

    So in what way does this related to android news? Just because there is a android doll next to the headphones?