Bitcoin trading is associated with risks- this fact can’t be denied. But, if you are a good learner and have the courage to progress in the process of bitcoin investment by listening to the experts’ advice, you can manage to reduce the amount of risk and secure more profit. The main goal of earning more money out of bitcoin investment is dependent upon mitigating the risk factors. If you can consistently lower the number of risks and strategic practice movements, you will find yourself improving in the game. Read More about Bitcoin Champion if you are interested in Bitcoin trading.

Here are the risk-mitigating tricks and strategies implanted as well as recommended by expert investors.

  1. Find a reliable platform: If you can find a trading platform that you can rely on, you are successful in the first step of minimizing your trading risks by avoiding the chance of online scams. Yes, among so many bitcoin trading platforms, all are not genuine. By reading the customers’ reviews and other credentials, you need to choose a good platform.
  2. Calculate the risk: The amount of risk is not the same for all. It mainly depends upon your capital amount, current financial condition, and how well you know how to trade bitcoin. Know all these things and calculate how much risk you can tolerate.
  3. Research the market: Market research must be a non-stop practice for every bitcoin trader. You must not limit your study to bitcoin but gather knowledge about the whole cryptocurrency market because all are connected.
  4. Check bitcoin’s price movement: Trading and earning profit is about the asset’s price movement. In order to make a profit, you have to buy bitcoin at a low price and sell at a much higher price; therefore, you should learn to check the price movement of bitcoin.
  5. Never invest all savings: As a new bitcoin trader, you must follow this rule strictly. As it is a highly volatile asset, whatever you invest, you can potentially lose everything if the market goes into a sudden price fall. Therefore, never put all your life savings in this market.
  6. Diversify portfolio: diversification is a common rule for every asset class trading. Suppose bitcoin would fall in price in the near future, but some other crypto could rise, creating a balance.
  7. Have a secure wallet: Using a wallet means putting an extra security shield on your bitcoin holding by safely keeping your private and public keys in the wallet. However, when you choose a wallet, be sure it is reliable and try to use a cold wallet that is always free of online hacks.
  8. Have a stop-loss setup: It is an effective trick. A stop loss is when you set a limit price and when the market price of bitcoin reaches that limit, your bitcoin holdings are sold. Here you are securing your bitcoin trade from the extreme price fall. The profit amount might be less, but you will surely minimize the amount of loss.
  9. Don’t get influenced by social media: Remember that whatever you see or hear on social media is not 100% correct. You might be reading someone’s post or comment, which might not be the actual fact or can be partially true. Therefore, relying on this news and trading bitcoin accordingly may be risky. It is better to always study the fact by yourself.
  10. Don’t keep all bitcoins in a trading account: Bitcoin trading, even the whole bitcoin network, is based on an online platform where the risk of cyberattack remains most general. Though the bitcoin protocol claims to be safe enough, you should be prepared. Don’t keep all your bitcoin holdings in the trading account as a preventive method. Keep that much that you will be trading and keep the rest in the bitcoin wallet.


These are all the risk-minimizing methods of bitcoin trading. It is best to diversify your portfolio and invest in other cryptos besides bitcoin. You can put some money in Ethereum, the second most valuable cryptocurrency. Over the years there has been a growing inclination to invest in national cryptocurrencies.