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When you’re venturing on your next great online escapade, why not take some time to consider some of the hidden gems that online casinos offer? Well, to be fair, in this digital age, it’s hard to keep anything hidden, however, even though online casino bonuses are super famous, it is always still a surprise to hear that some haven’t heard of them.

There are so many different NZ casino bonuses that you can choose from, it’s hard to make the pick. The best way to go about this is by knowing a little bit about each of them, as this will allow you to go for the one that suits your personal preferences best. This article aims to shed light on some of the most popular NZ online casino bonuses out there so that you can know the ins and outs of the guide to casino bonuses in a jiffy.

It All Starts with the Welcome Bonus

The first casino bonus that you’re going to run into is the welcome bonus. Just as the name implies, this is a bonus that you receive as a sign of welcome from the digital establishment. It’s likely one of the easiest online casino bonuses to understand so if you are new to the game, this is a great option to go for first, as it will give you an indication of how the whole world of online casinos works. The reward for this one is usually some form of free spins or free tokens.

Explore No Deposit Bonuses

Another interesting online casino bonus is none other than the no deposit bonus. It’s a funny name for a bonus, right? You’d think online casinos would offer the exact opposite, you know, needing to invest a big amount to get a bonus but thankfully, this is a real option. If you are strapped slightly for cash or if you are new to the game and you’re not sure how to go about navigating the digital gaming world, this could be a good option. Why, you ask? Well because if you’re a novice, you’re likely to make rookie errors when you start and you don’t want to spend your hard-earned cash on a game where you don’t yet know how to best navigate the terrain. This is where the no deposit free spins or free coins come in handy.

Pack a Punch With the Deposit Match Bonus

Now on the opposite side of this is the deposit match bonus, which is a reward that you receive when you actually invest. You will want to look into finding this one when you’re about to make a large investment. Right, how this one works is a little more complicated than the ones mentioned so here’s an example to try to help you. If you put down a $100 investment and you see that the online casino offers a 100% deposit match, this means that the online casino will offer you an additional $100 because this is the percentage that was advertised. Making the funds that you’re able to play with go from $100 to $200 without you even needing to do anything. If that doesn’t sound like a win then what does?

Looking Into The Payment Method Bonus

Another option that you can go for, should the others not sound so interesting to you is the payment method bonus. Again, as the name implies, this is the bonus that you receive when you make an investment using a particular payment method. The reason online casinos encourage this is because fees for transactions are high and they can take some time. Just think about your traditional bank card, sometimes you can wait two to three business days for the amount to reflect. Online casinos want to avoid this delay and the typical high charges by encouraging alternative routes. Just as you guessed, digital currencies are the currency of choice, as online casinos know how swiftly they move and how they often don’t incur any costs at all. This is why online casinos try to encourage their players to pay via this payment method, as it goes faster and is cheaper. To be fair, it’s also better for you as the player, as the fees are low on your end too and you can get faster withdrawals. This casino bonus might not be for everyone as you need to know how to navigate between different payment methods but once you figure it out, it could really be worth it.

Long Live Loyalty Bonuses

The next online casino bonus is the loyalty bonus. If you are a player who can engage in games at a specific time, then this is the bonus for you. The idea behind the loyalty bonus was never to create a system whereby you had to play a lot in order to receive the bonus, that would go against ethics. However, if you are able to log into a game at a certain time (specified by the online casino) then you can get a loyalty bonus, which also usually comes in the form of free spins and free tokens.

Well, there you have it. These are some of the most popular online casino bonuses in New Zealand today. Now that you know all about them, which sounds the most interesting to you? Don’t forget to always play responsibly and with your budget and time in mind.

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