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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home 2021


Android fan spends a month with an iPhone: Week 4 – Both have their...

So over the last month, I’ve been using an iPhone. Not because I had to, but at least in part because I wanted to. A lot of comments from friends and the occasional taunt on...

An Android fan spends a month with an iPhone: Week 3 – Diving deeper...

So we’re in week three of my experiment in how the other half live and this is starting to feel like a new normal for me. It’s been really interesting (depending on which camp...

An Android fan spends a month with an iPhone: Week 2 – Some highlights...

Week two of my iPhone adventure is underway and it’s interesting to find that once I got my regular use apps installed, it’s not a chore to use. In fact, stuff just works! The...

An Android fan spends a month with an iPhone: Week 1 – Foreign territory

One of the criticisms I regularly hear from my iFan friends is that I don’t know what it’s like in “their world”. I think some of them work under the pretence that, because I...

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