If you’re eagerly anticipating the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+ and put your pre-order in, there’s good news for some people with reports coming in of pre-orders shipping.

Samsung when they launched the S8 & S8+ said that people who got in early could expect the phone as early as the 21st of April. From reports it appears that both carriers and retailers are set to match, or even better that date.

Users on Telstra, Vodafone and Woolworths Mobile are reporting that they’ve received a dispatch notification, with some Vodafone customers advising their estimated delivery date as early as tomorrow.

Harvey Norman and JB Hi-Fi are both on track to also allow pickup in-store on the 21st, but you can be sure as soon as they arrive in-store people will be trying to get their hands on them.

We’re eagerly awaiting the launch, and we’ll be releasing a review as soon as humanly possible.

Have you received a shipping notification for your Galaxy S8 (or S8+)?

Thanks: David.
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Michael K

Ordered directly from Samsung on 3rd April, hasn’t been shipped yet.

Jessica Lesniak

I odered on the 5th April and got mine 20th April from Samsung

Jay Nguyen

That’s no good.. I hope you get it soon. I preordered mine with Woolworths last week on the 19th April and it arrived this morning.

Michael K

Nah, I called again today and they said they ‘had no idea what was happening’ with the order and couldn’t say if it had been shipped or when it might ship.

Cancelled and got a refund.

Jay Nguyen

Good decision as the phones will be available in stores as of tomorrow I believe, so you may as well purchase the phone either outright/contract tomorrow and have it in your hands 🙂

If you’re looking at a contract, I recommend Woolies as I’ve had a speedy, smooth and satisfying experience with them so far especially being all online communication 🙂

Good Luck!!

Jessica Lesniak

Will anyone be using the Gear VR! If so.. you guys should all add me so we can have an experience together. ‘Jessica_Fuchs’ will be the name I use. (Pronounced like books but with an f’ god awful I know but it’s the name I was given. Anywhi.. hope you receive your phones soon and look forward to connecting with you!

Adam Korsten

What is it like I can’t wait for mine still haven’t got it yet

Jessica Lesniak

It’s unreal! I get motion sickness really easy so I can’t use it for very long. The family loves it though.. only downfall is you can’t obviously use the phone when showing others because they’re using it 😀

Adam Korsten

Thanks for getting back to me no good you get sick well I would love to join you on the 3D mask I got the email today saying mine is being ship so I should have it tomorrow if you want to add me my email is [email protected] thanks

Jessica Lesniak

Yeah I will. Cheers 🙂

Tania Dravitzki

Same here its been there since wednesday arvo. Im in wa so probably a couple more days for me ? hope u recieve yours soon.


Mine has been sitting at the Aus Post Dispatch in Chullora for the past 12 hours. Looks like it’ll be delivered tomorrow


Pre-Ordered with Optus as soon as you could and my tracking still says
“We’re waiting for your item to arrive at our warehouse. You will receive an SMS when it is dispatched. You can check the status here or call us on 1800 555 295 for anything else.”

My brother ordered through vodafone and has received his this morning already.


Optus tracking tells me my new phone is now ready and I can plug my old sim in to my new phone… It also says my phone has been sent to the warehouse for packaging. Mixed messaging optus! RCS confirmed?


Yea mine was updated this morning as at 10:11 am to say “Your order has been sent to our warehouse for packaging”


Picked up mine from Optus Port Melb store. Preordered in store. Contacted them and was advised it was delivered this afternoon to the store. Hope you get yours soon… Happy days!!!


Has anyone had difficulty with StarTrack numbers from Samsung? My email didn’t have any, and the one I got from calling doesn’t seem to work…

Jessica Lesniak

I called SAMSUNG and the first time they gave me the wrong tracking number. It was off by 2 numbers. Ring them again and explain that you’re tracking number isn’t coming up with Data and when they give you the correct one make sure you stay on the phone until you see where your phone is at. 🙂


Finally got it updated. Seems it only got sent today 🙁

Jessica Lesniak

Did it arrive? 🙂


im having problems to it dosent track the item when i click the tracking link, it just goes to the website


Yep, that was my problem. Give Samsung a call.


Yes. No tracking number. Called customer care (love that word) and did you know ‘dispatched’ doesn’t mean dispatched. That’s right it means movied from central warehouse to warehouse in qld or so I’m told. Now I’m told I will get an sms with tracking details once the device is with StarTrack… Humm very frustrating. Also myVR was documented as shipping 21-04-2017 but its still processing my order apparently and now I have sms saying due to high demand my VR could take 28 days 🙁 What is the point of the promotion and preordering S?? 1 phone… 1 VR…. So… Read more »


Has anyone from the US who has ordered a S8 received any updates about when their phone is being shipped from Samsung.


Guys I just received an email indicating my S8+ will be here tomorrow evening.


I am still waiting for an email confirmation from Woolworths Mobile about my S8+ delivery. Did anyone receive an email from Woolworths Mobile yet?
Thanks, much appreciated!
PS: I’m from Melbourne, Australia.

manish mahajan

I’m from Sydney, no email yet from Woolworth

Julie Nguyen

I’m still waiting for an email from Woolworths too regarding dispatch date.. I only received the welcome aboard email that stated the phone will arrive within 5 business days. Not sure if that’s a default message you get when signing up to Woolworth Mobile or not though.. Can’t wait to get my S8+!
P.S I’m from Melbourne also


Which plan did you choose and when did you put the order in? The small, medium or large? It is very likely for people who have ordered the phone earlier to receive it earlier. For example, I ordered mine on the 4th and I’ve got my message from Woolworths today, stating the tracking number from Star Tracks and it only got dispatched today from Sydney..,

manish mahajan

I ordered s8 on 1st April and no email yet.

Julie Nguyen

I chose the medium plan and you’re right, the people that pre-ordered the earliest especially beginning of April are more than likely receiving their phones before store launch. I only applied mid last week so I’m pretty much “wishful thinking” that I’ll get it this week especially with Anzac Day holiday today too. I contacted a Woolworths CS online and the person did advise that there’s a large amount of pre-orders and like other customers I will receive notification once I’ve made it up the queue 🙂 I’m assuming once the funds have been withdrawn from my account that the… Read more »

Jay Nguyen

FYI, I received mine this morning 🙂 Received an email from WW yesterday arvo & used the tracking number provided which was dispatched yesterday by Star Track and arrived this morning yay 🙂


What part of Australia you are in.


Recieved!! – Woolworths Mobile

Julie Nguyen

Congrats 🙂 May I ask did you sign up early or late e.g. within the last few days?


I was talking to a friend in Canada he received his phone today with bonus Bluetooth speakers as well as VR. I wonder if we will get the same. I received email Tuesday saying star track preparing for delivery.

Jessica Lesniak

I should get mine tomorrow. I’ll let you know if I get any bonuses

Jessica Lesniak

I also got the bonus speaker dock

Cindy Huang

Jessica did you order from Samsung online, Samsung in store or another retailer? I think it depends where you order from to get the bonus speaker dock.

Jessica Lesniak

I ordered directly from Samsung

Big V

Just got email advising my S8+ from Woolworths mobile has shipped from startrack. Says overnight. Heres hoping


Checked with Vodafone and they have given me a tracking number. Package hasn’t been picked up as yet but Austpost have the details so hopefully it will get picked up tonight for delivery tomorrow!


Ordered with Vodafone.. my order is now with Aust post.. does anyone know where Vodafone ships from? I’m very eager to receive my S8+


Ordered with vodafone. Tracking number says exspected delivery tomorrow morning


No word from Optus on my gold S8+. Tracking says still waiting for stock to arrive in warehouse.

Jesse Kinross-Smith

Hopefully Virgin ship mine soon then – nothing from them yet.

Joshua Hill

Any word on your Virgin S8? I didn’t preorder mine till the 20th and am worried it mightn’t ship till Wednesday in which case I probably won’t get it till the week after.

Jesse Kinross-Smith

Got mine in Friday. They sent me a shipping notice at 3am saying it had shipped from Sydney – by the time I was awake and had clicked on the tracking link it was in Perth onboard with driver for delivery.

Joshua Hill

Thanks for the reply 🙂 That was quick of both you and Virgin, maybe mine will come the week coming. Did you get your vr with it or is is being shipped separately?


I ordered the 8+ on the 3rd April with Telstra, had notification yesterday that the shipping notice was received and the item was picked up at 9.33 am by Brightstar Depot. I’m outside the Perth metro area so hoping to receive it by Friday.

Morrigan Raine

I got the same message and then I asked Telstra when to expect and they said it’s first in best dressed!! I ordered mine on the 7th of April. they said there’s no way it’s coming tomorrow 🙁 It’s just sitting in the warehouse in Brightstar Depot…. 🙁 Was so hoping for today or tomorrow…. :'(

Warren Rees

Received a tracking number from Verizon yesterday afternoon; the phone spent the night in Memphis and should be delivered tomorrow by 8 PM.


Received from Vodafone at 9pm says my order has been shipped.


My Samsung account is still saying “Preparing Order for Shipment”…bummer

Jacy Hung

Same ;(

Tim Crampton

Telstra just SMS’ed me to tell me my data allowance has changed. On my previous plans that is only something that happened just before I got my new phone.

Jessica Lesniak

Mine says dispactched from Samsung but I have no tracking number provided!

Jessica Lesniak

UPDATE: I should be using my s8+ by this time tomorrow night! Keen!


I ordered mine from Samsung on April 10th and still nothing. When did you order yours?

Jessica Lesniak

I ordered mine in the 5th April. It was processing for ages, than over 2 days it was preparing dispach and now it’s on its way to me today


Cool…thanks. I received my verifications and I should be using mine by this evening.

Jessica Lesniak

I recieved mine. I got a free speaker dock with it aswell..
In love ❤


Great. When mine comes I’ll let you know what goodies I receive. Only 17 hours left before it arrives..

Jessica Lesniak

How’d you go? 🙂


I’m using it to type this message. This phone is incredible! I didn’t get any speakers with my order.

Jessica Lesniak

Awesome! Yeah, I wouldn’t worry too much. You didn’t really miss out on anything.

Mahmoud Baghdadi

My Samsung order is set to preparing dispatch!
Hopfully I get it before 21st 😀

Simon Jimeno-Pérez Chang

I hope so too, when did you order yours

Yianni soc

Mine just ticked over to dispatched, with the tracking showing ready for pickup from the depot. hopefully will be with the delivery driver tomorrow. excited 🙂