Much like the last couple of years, Samsung is leaking like a sieve and I feel like there really isn’t a lot left to find out about the upcoming Galaxy S10 phones.

It seems that third party manufacturers feel the same, as they’re pre-selling cases with a guarantee:

We’re so confident that we got the cases right again that we’re offering our customers a “fit or your money back” guarantee on all pre-orders.

With so much information already shared about the Galaxy S10 range, this really isn’t a surprise. We know that Samsung, like other manufacturers, works with third party accessory makers to ensure there’s cases and other products available in time for launch.

We’ve found cases online for each of the Galaxy S10 range devices, as follows:

Now we wait. There’s just over a week to see how accurate the leaks have been when the Samsung unpacked event launches their latest flagship.

What do you want to see from the S10 range?