If you’re an Aussie Android Developer, you’re more than likely overjoyed and drinking to the news that you can now submit paid Applications to the Android Market. To top that off Nick Burton from Android Australia (The Aussie Android Dev group :)) has informed me that there is going to be a meetup and talks from other Android Devs.

The event happen in Melbourne on the 3rd of November, make sure to RSVP here: Android Australia Pro-Am

One keynote. 3 lightning talks. Pizza. Beer. 40 people. FREE. EVERYTHING.

The keynote will be given by Daniel Bradby from jTribe who is hot off the YOW! speaking circuit. The lightning talks will be around Games Programming, the Process of Publishing Applications in the Market, and one mystery talk.

Technical people giving hands on demos. A tangible transfer of knowledge – like Highlander, but without the decapitation! So whether you’re a user, a developer or an experienced Android hack, come down!

The event will be held at our new funky warehouse premises at Level 1, 243 Collins Street. Doors open from 5:30pm. Kick-off of at 6pm sharp!

So if you’re in Melb, or can make it to Melb, head down for some intelligent discussions on our favourite platform!

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    Would love to go to this, but alas will be overseas!


    Thanks for changing the dates should be a good night, do we need to rsvp again?

    Nick Burton

    No worries… nah the RSVP is just a guide for ordering food/drinks 😉


    Melbourne Cup Day? OK, maybe not fo sho!


    Hmmm melbourne cup day, that’s going to be an interesting night


    Ah, just RSVP’d without checking – 5:30 on Melbourne cup day…


    I’m in fo sho!


    How many people are going so far?

    Nick Burton

    38 people registered so far..