Last week we posted about some information we received, regarding a Red Motorola Defy and Virgin. We then updated that article to say, that there was definitely a Red variant floating around but Virgin wasn’t going to be the exclusive carrier. Well it turns out the update was on the money. Crazy John’s have just thrown up a “Coming Soon” page showing, you guessed it, a Red Motorola Defy. The page doesn’t give us much, other then a few pictures of it, in it’s Red attire and it’s basic specs. What we do know however, is that it’s going to be launching end of this week, start of next and as soon as we can find out some pricing, we shall update this post with the goods, anyone looking at getting this on CJ’s?

Source: Crazy John's.
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Just got my Red Defy 😀
not sure where from = work

first android phone & trying to get used to it.
Keypad lock is a pain !!!


Asked in-store today about an outright price.. apparently they won’t be selling it outright when it first hits the stores. Nevertheless, I think I’ll check again in a few weeks before I buy an X5.


Any tips on the price?


 Keen to see the outright price.


Prices are up.. cheapest is $15 a month on the $19 cap, or better value perhaps with $0 a month on the $39 cap. If anyone can find out the outright price (if they sell it outright) I’d love to know. I’ll ask in store when I go past tomorrow, but dunno if they’ll know yet. We’ll see.