We know you guys love a good deal on your new tech since a lot of you are upgrading to a newer phone quite often (we learnt this from our survey), so we’ve teamed up with MobiCity on a little thing we’re going to call “Wednesday Deal”. This is basically how we see it working.. Each Wednesday at 12PM (mid-day) we’ll put up a Wednesday Deal post which will offer an Android device or devices for a discounted price. The offer will run for either 2-3 hours or until a specific amount of stock has been sold.

We’re hoping to put up phones (and maybe tablets) that range from the latest and greatest all the way down to low-end cheap devices. So if you’re in the market for a new Android device, then check back here next Wednesday and you just might be pleasantly surprised.

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    Buzz, make sure you’ve reviewed the device and left that review on mobicity’s page yeah? 😉


    Xperia Neo for only $300 would be nice. Hahaha I wish, but I will be watching anyway 🙂


    My daughter got a Nokia E5.  She thought it was a good idea at the time.
    But now she has seen the light and wants and Android.  So, lets see what you offer up.
    She’d be happy with a Cha Cha…. Facebook and a real keyboard.


    Colour me excited.


    Thanks for setting this up, Buzz
    I’m looking forwards to seeing what turns up in the deals. Hope I can score a decent replacement upgrade from my Optimus One.


    Sell out! Sell out! Ausdroid is a sell out!! 😉

    Just kidding fellas. Looks like a good idea, I’m almost tempted to get a tablet despite of my initial opposition to the idea. 


    Great idea if it’s done right.

    Glyn Stuckey

    This has a lot of potential, I certainly hope that it works for everyone involved!  I’ll certainly be keeping an eye out for it!

    peter baker

    sweet honeycomb tablet at basement price!


    I hope it’s not another CatchOfTheDay scenario where any decent deals amazingly sell out almost immediately and the crap ones hang around all day.

    Buzz Moody

    I think that’s just how some of these things work. You have to cater for everyone with high-end and low-end. 


    Just bought HTC Sensatioin from Mobicity, hopefully this won’t be one of the discounted handsets.


    I hope it is one of the discounted handsets 😀

    Buzz Moody

    Maybe 😉


    pls NO!


    wednesday deal on a tuesday would be a lot more creative…

    Buzz Moody

    Mix it up, you reckon? 😉