, and

Well how about that, the GSMA (the group that runs Mobile World Congress) have announced the winners of the many awards they hand out each year at MWC. The most notable winner is the Samsung Galaxy S II which won for Best Smartphone — Samsung also won for Device Manufacturer of the Year. The award comes off the back of Samsung announcing that they have sold over 20,000,000 Galaxy S II devices. Here’s what the GSMA Judge had to say about the device:

“A phenomenal success around the world, this has outperformed all its Android rivals and demonstrated the maturity of the ecosystem.”

Amen, good sir/madam. I wonder if Samsung can keep that award to themselves next year with the upcoming Galaxy S III or maybe it’s HTC’s time to shine. We’ll find out next year in Barcelona.

Source: Android CentralGSMA.
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Best Smartphone 2012

Nope, Samsung Note is the best phone of the year. No, wait, it’s the best tablet of the year. Wait, it’s both 


“they have sold over 20,000,000 million Galaxy S II devices”

So they have sold over 20 trillion devices?

Buzz Moody

Precisely. Not one more, not one less.


Not a bad effort… 😛


Even Engadget has awarded them top prize for best phone of the year.