The CyanogenMod team have moved on from their original mascot — a riff on the default Android character “Bugdroid” — and replaced it with this cool looking dude: Cid. He has a very defining and defiant look about him, traits that carry on in the CyanogenMod community.

We chose C.I.D. which is short for Cyanogenmod ID, the common thread that all CyanogenMod users share; each user’s unique place in our community.

CyanogenMod is no small community either, it is installed on over 1.8 million devices, and countless other custom ROMs use parts of CyanogenMod as well. Congrats to them!

Source: CyanogenMod Blog.
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    Oh .. it’s Cyanogen’s own version of Poochy!!

    In your face, skate-boardin’ robot with attitude, dude!!!! Yawn!  There’s one robot that works .. and it’s that barrel chested green one! That is all!


    Now this is better.


    all very nice, but cyanogenmod ics would be even nicer.

    Rohan Juneja

    it’s out? for a lot of devices, dont know which one you rock 😉


    they have nightly versions out. there aren’t any stable releases that i’ve seen.


    I liked the more humanoid version better