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If an Android based camera phone is what you want and the Galaxy S4 Zoom isn’t doing it for you then the lens being shown off on this latest teaser tweet from the Sony Xperia twitter account could tempt you into an Xperia phone very shortly.

As Adam our resident Sony Xperia fan said of this latest teaser ‘Gentlemen, you had my curiosity. But now you have my attention’.

With a rumoured 20MP camera capable of capturing 4K video, that lens is going to have some work to do. Sony make some truly marvellous camera sensors and if they can include these world class sensors with some fantastic lenses then the ‘Honami’ or Xperia Z1 could truly be #BestOfSony.

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4K……. Hmmm I don’t think so.. Raw footage would be goin’ through gigs per minutes. Very doubtful.


You will need to plug it to a USB HD hehe :p