Ready To Note - Samsung Australia
After a big launch at IFA in Germany last week, Samsung Australia has begun ramping up for the launch of the Galaxy Note 4 in Australia. The Samsung Australia website has begun offering customers looking for information on the launch of the Note 4 locally, a way to sign-up to receive information as soon as they’re ready to announce it.

For interested potential customers, you can sign-up to the mailing list, which requires you to enter your Name, Email address and Post Code, to ‘Be among the first to know when the Note 4 hits Australia!’

No mention yet of the Note Edge, Gear VR or Gear S smart watch, which were announced at the same time. We have been invited to a Samsung Australia event on the 23rd of September, which Samsung are calling ‘Notable Innovation’, so perhaps we’ll see more there. Samsung advised that the Note 4 would be heading out in October, while the Note Edge isn’t expected till later this year. Most likely we’re about to see the Note 4, but maybe we’ll get a peek at some other goodies as well.

Are you ‘Ready to Note?’

Source: Samsung.
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DON’T hold your breath for Note 4 accessories unless you are a screen cover fanatic they always get these in early as a gift for a purchaser like your getting something for free. Will the Samsung experience stores have stock of the official flip covers ?? when the Note4 fablet is launched or will we have to go commando for the first 6 months while the Samsung marketing guys get their target no’s sorted before they call for stock and they get in 100 units but have backorder customers in the tens of thousands !!!! Samsung are advertising plain, vanilla,… Read more »


I’ve had cash ready and waiting for this thing since they announced it (i even stayed up for the really low energy keynote)

what *really* annoys me is that the apple crap was announced AFTER the samsung kit and yet the Apple fanboys will get their new toy way before we will.
I’ve had all 3 notes to date (plus the 8inch) and I *know* samsung can do better than this.


Thats the thing with apple, they pretty much have the one variant worldwide and have their own retail stores ready to sell it. Everything is done in house for them.

Samsung and other android manufacturers have to rely more on telcos. Telcos tend to do what apple wants as well.


Samsung cannot do better than this. I have just moved 1 phone to an LG G3 with 3 more & 2 Tabs to follow away from samsung, due to their abhorrent customer service. Never will another sammy product reside in this house, from phone to major appliance.