Google+ Birthday
On this day in Google history, we remember the introduction four years ago of Google’s current social network: Google+.

Google introduced their social network in a blog post on the main Google Blog four years ago today with this introduction:

Today, the connections between people increasingly happen online. Yet the subtlety and substance of real-world interactions are lost in the rigidness of our online tools.

In this basic, human way, online sharing is awkward. Even broken. And we aim to fix it.

We’d like to bring the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to software. We want to make Google better by including you, your relationships, and your interests. And so begins the Google+ project:

There’s been a lot of changes in the last four years. Of late we’ve seen the introduction of ‘Collections’ letting you compartmentalise parts of your social feed so your followers can follow certain aspects of your stream if they want. We’ve also seen parts being removed from Google+ like Photos. But, according to Bradley Horowitz, even though there’s been some features removed – Google+ isn’t going anywhere – but they will be focusing more on the community aspect, something that Google+ excels at.

At Ausdroid, we love our Google+ page, which has 1,772 followers and had 3,449,950 views – but we’d love more ;). Our Ausdroid Google+ community, with all the 333 members is a happening place, with all our members fairly active, tipping us with awesome news and availability of products and great sales.

Google+ is far from the ‘dead platform’ that some people in media like to make out, but, as far as we’re concerned and there’s a lot to see in Google+ and we can’t wait to see what happens in the future.

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    The problem I have with Google+ is the way Google pressures people into joining it. If you don’t have an account, you cannot leave reviews for apps you get from Google Play. I feel if you own an Android phone, and if you’re a customer who spends money on apps, you should have the right, as a consumer, to leave a review on the apps you use, without being required to create a Google+ account first! Originally it was enough to use your Gmail account with Google Play, but Google changed that to help boost their lack lustre membership numbers… Read more »

    vijay alapati

    Wish Google plus really gets more popular, Its clean and less spam compared to Facebook.


    Come and join us in the Ausdroid Community, I know I’d love more people there.