Samsung 2
The recently discovered Stagefright vulnerability has seemingly put a lot of manufacturers on edge and it’s moved Samsung to announce they’ve started working with carriers around the world to fast track security updates.

The aim is to deliver monthly updates to Samsung’s range of Android phones, though this will obviously require the co-operation of carriers, which like to thoroughly test any update delivered to a phone on their network.

In a blog post, Executive Vice President and Head of Mobile Research and Development Office, IT & Mobile Communications at Samsung Electronics Dong Jin Koh has said

With the recent security issues, we have been rethinking the approach to getting security updates to our devices in a more timely manner. Since software is constantly exploited in new ways, developing a fast response process to deliver security patches to our devices is critical to keep them protected. We believe that this new process will vastly improve the security of our devices and will aim to provide the best mobile experience possible for our users.

Whether this goes ahead or not we’ll have to wait and see, but as one of the biggest manufacturers of phones in the world, it may be time for Samsung to exercise some of that clout to deliver some much needed security updates in a timely manner.

Samsung has advised that more details on the monthly, fast-tracked updates will be made known, including which partners and carriers are on-board, and what models and timelines we can expect will be released soon.

Source: Samsung.
Via: Android Central.
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    Can they uninstall all the Samsung software that’s no longer supported while they’re at ut? Samsung Wallet? Chaton?


    Samsung are a joke with updates. Haven’t even got 5.1 for my s6 yet