Ausdroid’s logo is something we’re all really proud of here at Ausdroid, to us it is both a metaphor for our unique Australian perspective on Android, as well as a symbol of something we are all proud to be a part of. That said Andy, as he is affectionately known among the team, was starting to look a little dated since he was first envisaged by Lucas in 2010, so we’ve been discussing for some time how to give him a modern facelift without removing any of the elements that make him special to us.

Jumping to the end of the story, we finally arrived at Andy’s material inspired update, so we are pleased to introduce you to Andy’s Material cousin, Mandy! Do you want to know a little of our thinking behind Mandy, and perhaps even understand a little more about our beloved logo? Read on to find out more.

Considering our origins in both Android and the wider Google sphere we were obviously immediately drawn to Google’s material design specification when looking at our logo refresh. We churned through the design guide, read to how-to guides and scoured dozens if not hundreds of material design examples. But before we could go to much further in we had to decide what was important to keep?

For those who don’t know our logo is a combination of the original “bug droid” Android head and the Australian flag, but did you know that the left and right sides of Andy’s face are actually a stylised A and D, Aus-droid? If you didn’t, you do now! We felt that these elements were the quintessential elements of what the logo was and as such, we wanted to carry them over. While this may have limited our options, it also focused our attention on what it was about Andy that needed updating.

To begin with, we went full material, and if you’re going to do bold block colors surely you would use the “official” colours of the Australia Flag. To this, we experimented with the concept of ‘quantum paper’ with different elements of the design being at varying heights and casting shadows. We decided that the black outlines — which worked well for a number of years — were the major dating factor, so they were axed!

What we ended up with was the first material-inspired Ausdroid Logo. However, the colours were a little harsh and somehow it felt like it was too much of a departure from our beloved Andy. We went back and both softened the colours, as well as adding in a graduation effect, to give the logo a lighter, cleaner feel.

The final step was perhaps the easiest, tackling the fonts. We’re not Google ,so we couldn’t hold a week-long design summit to design our own font, and thanks to Google we really didn’t have to. For the text of Ausdroid, we chose the new “Android Font” in keeping with our heritage. For any supporting text, like our current “Award winning tech news” tagline, we chose a font inspired by Google’s Product Sans.

Our first run with Mandy used thinner fonts, however, whilst it looked clean it did not scale well across different form factors and the text became very pixelated; we had to thicken things up a bit. You may also notice we were experimenting with not having the material shadow lines in some versions, but it looks a bit plain doesn’t it!

A few more font packs, a little more tweaking and we arrived at the current iteration of Mandy, our Material Andy:

We hope you like the update to the Ausdroid Logo; we traveled a long way to end up very close to where we began, and we think that’s a good thing. In the end, we wanted a refresh, not an entirely new rebrand, and we think that Mandy gives us that.

Let us know what you think of the Ausdroid logo update in the comments.

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    David Watt

    Personally, I think it looks fantastic. A very nice modern improvement! 🙂

    Iain Simmons

    I agree with some others here about the shadows (I think now Google just does some very light/subtle drop shadows when they feel something needs a bit of height/depth) and the tagline isn’t necessary (use it on some promo materials, but not part of the logo).

    And if you were going to do material design, then don’t deviate and do gradients because it looked better on that screen at that time. I think it loses some of the modern feel by including that.

    But love the fonts and lowercase lettering. And agree about that lighter blue being better.


    Thanks for the feedback Iain


    Ah. So you’re sanitising any comments that don’t like your new logo.


    Not at all. We deleted yours because it was rude. Others that have been critical have at least been constructively so.

    Further still, you hide behind a VPN to comment, and this story is the first one on Ausdroid you’ve commented on. Leads me to believe you’re just being a jerk. So, yes, we deleted your comment, and you won’t be commenting again.


    Definitely an improvement. Really like the font used for the ‘ausdroid’ bit. I feel the bug droid is trying a bit hard. Not only does it have the Aussie flag, and shaped like the Android droid it is trying to spell out ‘A D’. Probably could have dropped one of those intents. Typically I have found good logos are a combination of two graphical ideas only, three is usually a bit too much. So for me the colours and fonts are perfect, and it definitely looks better, but is still a little complex. Did you try just a little bug… Read more »


    Wholeheartedly agree that the attempt to replicate the shape of the letters A & D is unnecessary (and doesn’t work very well either).

    Stars casting shadows??

    Max Luong

    Not a fan of the colour gradiation, but looks great otherwise. ?


    what would you do differently?

    Max Luong

    I’m pretty sure Material Design eschews those sorts of gradients. Just make it a solid light blue. It should make the shadows cleaner as well.


    yes we departed from material design with the gradient we discussed about why we did that


    I like it, it looks good.
    Just a suggestion, maybe fill in the last “d” of Ausdroid and makes it looks like it’s representing Tasmania? Not sure how it will look.

    Darren Ferguson

    Love the look, nice and clean. Not sure on the shadows but it’s not my logo!


    I keep flipping back and forth on the shadows as well

    Alex D

    I like the new logo and feel it brings!! Just awesome!!

    Phill Edwards

    Like it, and appreciated the explanation. Well done!

    Daniel Narbett

    Um, I’ve never noticed before but it’s basically an Australia day bikini, right down to the straps (aka antenna). Hard to un-see now I’ve seen it

    Jamie S

    Well, I think the new Logo looks fantastic and a lot of thought obviously went into it’s design. To the haters and trolls ?

    Alan Cramer

    Not a fan of the logo, but at least I know the history behind it now.


    Looks good, though I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years that was an A and a D.

    Now time to update the rest of the KitKat-era site design!

    Satwik Kamatmehbro

    Love it 🙂 great job team


    Shadow on the stars and eyes looks daft (shadow on eyes?)

    Antenna look fussy.

    Underlying flag should probably be distorted so the right angle on the union jack corner isn’t in there at a minimum. Distortion probably used to give more shape to the whole.

    Not sure how well it will work as an icon (eg favicon).


    Well that looks crap.

