Sphero is evolving as a company releasing some of the best pop-culture tie-in toys and that continues today with the launch of the app-enabled Spiderman.

Sphero’s Spiderman is a neat gadget designed to be taken on adventures. He’s interactive Spidey is programmed with a wide range of choose your own adventure style stories to stoke the imagination of kids both young and old. Each decision you make in the story affects the outcome – and if you think you’ve finished them all, being Wi-Fi enabled he can be updated with more missions, villains, and other automatic updates easily.

Spideys built-in microphone and speaker lets him interact with everyone around him with a bunch of phrases programmed including jokes ready to let fly. Spidey will even adapt to your personality.

Spidey isn’t just story smart, he’s tech smart too with fully animated, expressive LCD eyes, 3D accelerometer and has Spider-Sense (motion detection) built-in. Spidey can react to people passing by, or even guard your room or desk at work to stop people from snooping.

Spidey is compact at just over 21cm tall and is covered in a quality silicone so he feels soft to the touch, comes with a Bluetooth connection to connect to the free Spider-Man Interactive App-Enabled Super Hero app which is available through Google Play or the Apple app store.

At around 2 hours of play time Spidey can have a fun adventure with the kids before retiring to his Web Charging base for a recharge. If you want you can even be your friendly neighborhood alarm clock while charging.

The app to control all of Spidey’s functions is available for free on Google Play (and the Apple app store), and easily lets you control the story experience, alarm and sentry mode. The updates are handled through the app too, so it’s quite a painless experience.

Spidey is going on-sale at Apple Stores, EB Games, Zing Stores and through LS Travel (tech2go & News Link) for $249.99. I don’t know about anyone else, but between Lightning McQueen and now Spidey, this Christmas is shaping up to be very Sphero shaped in our household.

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    I was really hoping this would climb walls. Otherwise, $250 is pretty steep for a talking doll.