Does that look delicious or what? If like me you’ve been reading up on Android 8.0, or Oreo as we can now officially refer to it then you may have done what I did today and picked up a pack of Oreo’s today. Unfortunately they’re not the special edition Oreo’s that Google and Oreo created for their unveiling event.

As you can see above, the limited edition Android Oreo was the familiar chocolate biscuit but with an Android bugdroid emblazoned on it, a green Android coloured filling was also included – though we can’t find out what flavour, if any, it was. Here’s a couple of more pics:

Unfortunately, unlike the Android KitKat craze which saw tablets and Google Play credit being won a few years back, there’s no promotional Android branded Oreo’s coming. Mondelēz International, the company who owns the Oreo brand has said

Custom OREO cookies featuring the Android logo on the wafer embossment were also unveiled – an exclusive run created for the event

So it appears to be just for the event.

We’ve certainly given our feedback to Mondelēz International that we’d love to see some released for general sale, but in the meantime does anyone know how to 3D model an Android Oreo for me?

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    If they want to sell more and earn more money, they will definitely sell the special edition and corporate with Google. Unless they are really stu**d