In all the excitement of the Oreo announcement, one detail about Google’s Oreo mascot may have slipped by. The Android Mascot is actually a superheroine.

Android Central uncovered the tidbit which was not in any of the press releases we saw, but instead covered by AdAge who said in their article:

Coming hand-in-hand with the Android Oreo release is a female superhero (think: green Android mascot with a belly made from an Oreo), which the brands say is meant to mix the “playfulness” of Oreo and the “intelligence” of Android.

The other information about the statue is that it can be moved into four poses, likely based off the introduction animation of the super Oreo mascot:

Having a female mascot for Oreo is pretty neat, I’ll admit to not actually thinking of any of the Android mascots as gender specific, but this is apparently the case with Oreo. It is the first bugdroid that’s been more than a mere figure holding a dessert, so we may see more in the future.

It’s not a bad PR move considering the gender diversity issues Google has had in the past week or two.

Camilla Ibrahim, Communications & Public Affairs Manager, Google ANZ told Ausdroid

For our first “Android superhero” we studied the rich world of superheroes, we were excited about the female ones in addition to male. Android Oreo — with powers like speed and smarts — is more dimensional than your run of the mill superhero and we figured ‘why not be female’?

The Android statue is the first interactive statue that Google has created, and you can see more on the creation of the latest Android statue here:

I for one welcome our new super hero bugdroid, male, female, it’s cool and that’s all that matters.

Source: Adage.
Via: Android Central.
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    Manoj Bhandari

    That’s just awesome.