Android 2.3 was a few versions ago in terms of Android updates, designer Andrew Bell has teased a new Gingerbread themed Android Mini which will go on-sale next week.

The Gingerbread flavoured mini, named ‘Ginger Gene’ will go on-sale at Dead Zebra next week on Cyber Monday. The decidedly evil looking new Gingerbread mini was teased by Andrew on his Instagram feed with a close-up of the face of Ginger Gene in his feed.

Andrew also shared a video on his daily Instagram story next to his Christmas themed box which we snagged a few pics of.

Pricing wise, Ginger Gene will probably cost around $10USD, but we’ll see more info after Thanksgiving, likely Friday or Saturday US time. If you’d like a Christmasy themed Android, stay tuned for some more info on when he’ll go on sale.

Source: @deadzebrainc.