Google is getting quite serious about either VR, Gaming or both with their latest move, hiring the Sony Playstation VR co-creator Richard Marks according to a new report.

The report from Venture Beat says that former senior research engineer Richard Marks who co-created the Sony Playstation VR and Playstation Move hand controllers has been hired by Google after hiring former PlayStation and Xbox manager Phil Harrison earlier this year. Google has also been hiring other luminaries in the gaming industry including former PlayStation Home chief Jack Buser and Xbox Live Arcade creator Greg Canessa.

The hiring of so many people associated with the gaming industry has of course sparked of more rumours regarding the possibility of Google launching their own game streaming service – codenamed Yeti. The streaming service has only been spoken about in rumour, which suggest that Yeti will stream games from the cloud to either Android TV, Chromecast or perhaps a purpose built dongle for the TV. Google hasn’t yet acknowledged the rumours about Yeti, but did confirm the hiring of Marks.

Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) division – the same division they picked up when they purchased, and subsequently sold Motorola, which has come up with many interesting projects including Spotlight Stories for VR, has issued a statement on the hiring of Marks saying:

ATAP is at the intersection of science and application where our goal is to solve significant problems and close the gap between what if and what is. We’re super excited about Richard joining the senior team and look forward to his contributions.

Google has reportedly been approaching gaming companies about working on IP for their Yeti service, and with so many gaming industry insiders and engineers coming on board there’s surely something they’re working on. We may have to wait a while longer, although with their ‘Made by Google’ event likely set in October, perhaps we won’t have too long to see what’s coming.

Source: Venture Beat.