OnePlus have made some huge leaps in the mobile space in the last couple of years and this has been recognised with what is likely a new partnership with a big player in the automobile industry – McLaren. Huawei have a Porche partnership, OPPO have a Lamborghini one, and if what we expect to happen does then OnePlus will have a McLaren partnership.

In a series of messages sent out across their social media platforms OnePlus have signalled an upcoming “Salute to Speed” event with the McLaren Formula 1 team on December 11. Of course the expectation will be a special, limited edition McLaren OnePlus 6T. After the limited edition Star Wars OnePlus 5T and Marvel Avengers OnePlus 6 it would be no surprise to see OnePlus produce another limited series.

The event will be held at the McLaren Technology Centre in the UK with some scant details available on the UK OnePlus website. At the event it is expected that the two companies will announce a “long-term technology partnership” which we assume means multiple devices over several years – much like Huawei and Porsche.

In a press release OnePlus have said:

“McLaren and OnePlus were born in a similar way – with a big dream to create something special. Starting from nothing, we challenged ourselves to never settle. Today we unveil a true testament to innovation, a salute to speed.”OnePlus CEO Pete Lau

McLaren, as you would expect were equally as positive about the new partnership:

“The OnePlus brand is synonymous with speed and power, two values that McLaren likewise strives to deliver with every car we build. Bringing together the inventive, pioneering spirit shared by both OnePlus and McLaren is a firm statement of intent to leverage our collective powers and break new ground for innovative ideas and technology.”Zak Brown, CEO of McLaren Racing

It remains to be seen if this is just a new design of the already amazingly fast OnePlus 6T or whether it will include upgrades such as more RAM (remember it is already available in 8GB versions) or more storage (already available at 256GB).

One thing for sure it is yet another OnePlus phone that will have us salivating over, and yet unable to purchase directly from the company here in Australia. Our fingers remain crossed that this changes soon. Keep an eye out for our OnePlus 6T review coming in the next week.

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Got my 6t today and I love it. Very happy Jan

Martin Olminkhof

Another overly expensive “luxury” phone incoming?