OnePlus have a very close relationship with OPPO and with the same parent company it is easy to see why. Sharing designs and technologies allows them to each focus on what they do best thus both producing amazing phones in their own right.

Last year we saw OPPO release the innovative Find X with the sliding camera mechanism and if the leak overnight is to be belwill be borrowing this technology this year. The leak overnight is a picture of what is purported to be a OnePlus 7 prototype next to a OnePlus 6T. Each is housed inside its own protective case with the protective case around the OnePlus 7 prototype apparently having a cutout for a camera when the camera slides up as it does for the OPPO Find X.

Android Police performed some very in-depth investigations of their own and found a few interesting tidbits. The speaker grille, although longer, appears to be the same design as that on the OnePlus 6T, there is what appears to be an alert slider on the side of the device in the same position as it is for the OnePlus 6T.

For those who need a reminder of how the OPPO Find X sliding camera mechanism worked check out the video below:

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If this is indeed the OnePlus 7, albeit an early prototype, it will take the world by storm. The OPPO Find X’s hardware was well received by all who tried it. The sliding camera mechanism was truly innovative. For OnePlus to use this technology in their OnePlus 7 would be a real coup and could be extremely successful for them.

It is early days with still a few months left before OnePlus will release the OnePlus 7 so prototypes can change. Time will tell but at this stage it all fits that this is A prototype, but could well be one of many.

What do you think? Is it real and would you buy one?

Source: Twitter.
Via: Android Police.
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Bradley Harpur

Using a pixel 3 but could be swayed. Looks awesome that’s for sure. Be hard to go backwards from the pixel camera though. It better be real f$#&ing good to swap.

Bradley Harpur

Using a pixel 3 but could be swayed. Looks awesome that’s for sure. Be hard to go backwards from the pixel camera though. It better be real f$#&information to swap.


I suppose the OP7 will be competing in the same price range as the other flagships? Surely they can’t continue to offer such high end devices for the comparatively low prices of their previous models.


It shows there are practical ways to eliminate the dreaded notch.

Another way is to put a second low-res screen on the back of the phone, to frame up selfies. Then the front camera can be removed.


there’s already a phone which has eliminated the front facing camera altogether in favor of a low res second screen at the back of the phone and can be purchased from Alibaba for those who are keen. check out the review from Unbox Therapy:


That works if you want to take a selfie, it’s a pretty big compromise for other applications like video conferencing though.