The other day in the trove of Samsung Galaxy S10 leaks we saw images demonstrating not just the reverse wireless charging of the Galaxy S10 but the wireless charging of the upcoming Galaxy Buds. Some bright boffin decided to inspect the source code for the teaser page where the Galaxy Buds appeared and uncovered some availability details for the above products.

According to this source code in Russia Samsung will be offering free Galaxy Buds with any Galaxy S10 preorder. It is unknown if this deal will extend to other regions but given Samsung’s penchant for offering bonuses such as wireless chargers etc it would not surprise us to see this widespread – hopefully here in Australia too.

In the same source code the release date- well, implying it. The promotion date for the free Galaxy Buds runs from February 20 (announcement date) until March 7 with the release date set for the day after we assume. Previous rumours have pointed at a March 8 release date so this seems to fit nicely.

IF you are even remotely interested in purchasing a Galaxy S10 model this year now is the time to think strongly about it – especially if this offer is available here in Australia. Assuming it is, once the announcement is done you will have but a couple more weeks to order to receive the Galaxy Buds. Premium smartphones are expensive but the cost can often be partially offset by bonuses such as these.

Source: Galaxy Club.
Via: SamMobile.