Camera drones make great travel companions. They never conflict with your itinerary, they provide hours of fun, and they help you relive your favourite holiday memories in a truly unique way. That being said, we all know that maximising luggage space is essential when travelling – so do you really need to pack a drone for your next trip?

If you want to capture unforgettable footage of your travels – without the hassle of stopping to angle your camera whenever you want a selfie – then a camera drone with a Follow Me mode might be the perfect option. These drones use automation, GPS and visual recognition technology to track you as you move, allowing you to live in the moment and record your adventures at the same time, worry-free.

To help you decide if a Follow Me Drone is right for you, the team at Ted’s Cameras has created a handy list of key things to consider before making a drone purchase:

Think of the images

While many people opt to pack light and carry only a compact camera or smartphone for taking happy snaps, there are a number of things these devices simply can’t do that a Follow Me Drone can.

A Follow Me Drone can capture far more interesting vantage points and views than a regular camera, creating breathtaking videos and photographs you couldn’t otherwise capture – plus you won’t have to interrupt a special moment to fiddle with the remote.

Follow Me Drone technology means your camera can automatically follow you around, helping you to film amazing aerial shots, take live-action selfies with your friends, and capture the full beauty of your surroundings. If you’re unsure where to start, there’s a great range of Follow Me Drone videos online to give you some creative inspiration.

Make the most of your premium seats

When looking over happy snaps from your friends and family after they return from travelling abroad, you have probably been struck by the amazing amount of pictures taken of the backs of other sightseers’ heads.

This is one obstacle that your drone can easily overcome. Make the most of your ability to soar high, find the best viewing position possible, and return home with unobstructed views of the wonders of the world.

Follow the rules

While we know that drones can expand your visual opportunities when travelling, it’s also important to note the limitations. The biggest thing to watch out for is the drone-related regulations of your travel destination, which dictate how and where you can use your drone. Make sure you look into this thoroughly before setting out on your trip, to save getting yourself into any trouble.

Travel light

So what kind of Follow Me Drone is best for travel? While the top-of-the-line professional range is tempting, these kits can take up just as much space and weight as is required for your personal carry-on items. If your trip is for leisure, you will be best served to look into a more portable drone option, so you can stay unencumbered by heavy gear and stay light on your feet.

We recommend taking a look at some of the more portable drone options from DJI, such as the DJI Tello, or if your budget allows, the foldable follow me drone DJI Mavic Air.

Can’t wait to get a drone? Here are some extra tips:

Learn the basics

If you’re new to the world of drones, invest some time in learning the basics of flying before heading on your holiday. This can save you the dramas of damaging your equipment or even landing yourself in trouble when you’re meant to be enjoying yourself.

Stock up on batteries

Remember to carry some spare batteries for your drone. Even the higher-end models have relatively short flying times, so if you want to avoid stopping frequently to recharge, spare batteries are essential. Lithium batteries are considered a flying risk, so if you are travelling by plane, check the airline requirements and act accordingly.

Protect your gear

There’s nothing worse than damaging your gear when travelling. The best way to keep your drone safe is to keep it in a protective backpack whenever it’s not in use. If you do your homework, you can find a bag that is both protective and travel-friendly.

Research and compare

Take your time to check out and compare the different drone options on the market, so you can pick the one that’s right for you. For a great range of choice, check out Ted’s Camera’s drones collection today.


This story is a sponsored advertorial from Teds Cameras.

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    “They never conflict with your itinerary” Except that 9 times out of 10, when I see travelers flying drones, they shouldn’t be. National parks for example, or controlled airspace like Exmouth or Broome. They’re doing it illegally! Either, unaware of the fact, or have an “I dont care” attitude. It hurts our industry as professional pilots, when we spend thousands on licensing, or wait weeks and weeks for official approvals to fly in certain areas. Then we turn up to film for a client and we can’t, because some clown has their “officeworks special” buzzing around bothering people without reading… Read more »

    Phill Edwards

    It’s not quite April Fools day yet guys!


    “Are there bees here?*